Thursday, September 5, 2013

Touchdown !

Go Wolves

Tonight is the start of NFL football. The Denver Broncos play the Baltimore Ravens. Fall is just around the corner and with the start of school, high school football will soon start.

A couple weeks ago, a potential customer contacted me about custom football tags. 

When I get a custom order, it's sometimes hard to figure out exactly what the customer is requesting.  I try to ask questions which will help me with style, color and quantity but sometimes vague answers don't help me out.  When in doubt, I become a bit bolder and ask more specific and personal questions without prying into someone's personal life. It's a fine line and I try to tread lightly.

After asking a few more questions, my potential customer opened up with me and told me her niece is a cheerleader at her high school and dates one of the football players.  Before each game, she gives her boyfriend a small gift for good luck.  My customer wanted to give these tags to her niece so she could write a small note to her boyfriend making her packages even more special.

She wanted each tag to say - Go Wolves ...... beat Durant -
She sent me all 10 opposing teams, along with their school colors so I could write each teams name in the appropriate color.

The above tags were samples I sent to my customer to see if these would meet her needs after explaining to me what she was looking for.  She loved them and couldn't wait to make the 10 tags she was looking for.

I've already bookmarked the high school her niece attends so I can follow the Wolves to see how many games they win this season.  People touch our lives in mysterious ways and I'm thankful that the customers I have had to date have enriched mine.  

I can only hope that down the road, my customers will send me photos of how my merchandise has been used and that they'll walk back into my shop so I can help them out with all their other special events and special days.

I'm grateful to you all ~

First Day of School

The first day of school is so exciting, for most kids.  They have to put on the right outfit, their hair has to be styled just so and stomachs are filled with butterflies.  

Teachers gear up to for all the new students who will be walking through their classroom door.  They will hear new stories, some true and some not so true, they will see big smiles and will encounter a few tears.  Elementary school teachers create the foundation for our youth who will mature into fine young adults entering the middle and high school.

Mrs. McKenna is one of those special elementary, 2nd grade school teachers.  She truly cares about and for her students and helps them every step of the way during the school year.  Kim contacted me to help her put together a special first day of school package.  

She wanted a postcard for her students so she could write a special message to each boy and girl welcoming them to her classroom. These postcards measure 3 x 5 inches, the backside is stamped with the traditional 'postcard' emblem.

Being a huge reader and knowing how much 2nd graders read, I suggested bookmarks for each child. These were run through a printer, hand stamped and then laminated for protection of spilled milk, snotty sneezes, dirty fingers from the playground and chocolate from a Little Debbie cupcake !!

I think Mrs. McKenna's children had a wonderful first day of school. They are lucky to have her.
