Monday, August 12, 2013

Christmas Memories

Before you know it, the holiday season will be in full swing.  Usually in September,  the Adirondack nights hit 50 degrees and the days reach the low 70's.  Our mindset is no longer to grill, or to grab a big bowl of fruit salad.  After Labor Day, we are ready to turn the stoves and ovens back on to make our comfort foods, such Beef Stew and homemade breads.

Well, our September days arrived, a bit early this year, and I've been in the mindset to create Halloween and Christmas items.

If you've been to my shop lately, you will see the very cute Halloween tags I've listed and I'm now working on 9 x 12 Manila Envelope Christmas Photo Journals.

I can't think of a better way to house your Christmas memories.  This particular book will be listed sometime in September, with others to follow.  This is only the beginning of the book and will be embellished with many Christmas sayings, verses and wonderful die cuts.

Special Orders are always welcomed and can be designed with your personal information throughout the book.

I'll keep you posted as to how this project is coming along and when this beautiful book will be ready for listing. What a wonderful gift for yourself or for someone special in your life.

Have a very joyful day~
